Looking After Your Leather

What to use:

All natural materials require a bit of Time, Love and Care, and leather is no exception.  If not cared for the leather can degrade over time, however with some TLC it will outlive us all.

Before you start to care for your product you are going to need to decide how you want the leather to look. some people like it to look clean new and shiny, whereas others (myself included) prefer it to have a worn out, rugged and beaten to hell kind of look so that it tells a story its life. There are some simple things that can be done to prolong the life of your product and it won’t break the bank once you have decided which option is best for you.

  • Leather Balms and conditioners

    • Leather balms and conditioners are arguably one of the best things to use on your leather products. They penetrate the leather and condition it giving it a nice and supple feel even to some of the most hard and dry leather. we reccommend using our own Leather balm which has been tried and tested and is also made with 100% organic materials ensuring that only the best products are used on your products. Our leather balm can be found here

    • In dry climates this should be done once every 3 months or so, otherwise once a year is fine. Leather balms and Conditioners won’t shine the items but they will definitely protect them.

  • Creams

    • Leather conditioner and creams are available from from most supermarkets and leather product manufacturers but the best ones are found online. conditioners and creams moisturise the leather preventing it from drying out and cracking. They have a lotion like consistency so are easy to apply and will be absorbed by the leather with relative ease and a little goes a long way.

  • Polish

    • For shiny Shoes and Bags this is the stuff for you, it can rejuvenate the leather and cover up scuffs and scratches. Its all about the looks, pair a good quality polish with a a thorough buffing and you will have a nice and crisp looking product.

  • Damp cloth

    • The most reliable and leather friendly way to clean leather. a simple wipe down with a damp cloth will remove any dirt, grime and oils which have accumulated leaving a natural rugged look to the leather. Ensure you place the leather to dry adequatly before use, out of direct sunlight.